Trail Leader Training


Trail leading is serious business and not to be taken lightly. It is also fun if you are prepared for all situations. Learn skills needed to safely lead clubs, friends, and other groups.

We suggest 2-3 days minimum. This training includes extensive hands-on work under Bill’s guidance covering communication skills with a wide variety of personalities and situations, practical skills covering all 4-wheel drive related topics, and numerous handouts.

“…sincerely thank you for this past week’s Trail Leader Training in the Central Cascades. Although I had significant off-road trip experience as a leader, I was blown away at how much I did not know prior to the training. Humbling to say the least.” Dan C., NW Overland Society 9/09


  1. Do you have Community First-Aid/ CPR certification?
  2. Are you confident accepting a leadership position, responsibility for others in a group, and making safety a priority?
  3. Can you calmly delegate?
  4. Are you organized?
  5. Do you have mechanical skills to enable a broken vehicle to get off the trail?
  6. Are you able to deal with multiple distractions?
  7. Do you have outdoor skills such as map reading, route planning and follow-through?
  8. Can you deal with confrontation calmly AND assertively?
  9. Can you pick a line, handle safe recovery techniques, and share environmental awareness?
  10. Do you have a good sense of humor?

A Responsible Guide’s Credo
Be true to yourself. A hurt or dead guide does the group no good!

Solihull Land Rover Club’s 2004 Trail leader training

I4WDTA Certified Master Trainer

Copyright © 2018 Bill Burke's 4-Wheeling America, LLC, all rights reserved.
Grand Junction, CO 81501
(970) 858-3468